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Ng-apimock is essentially a set of npm packages that can be installed over npm.


  • Node.js version >= 10.15.1 or above (which can be checked by running node -v). You can use nvm for managing multiple Node versions on a single machine installed
  • Yarn version >= 1.5 (which can be checked by running yarn version). Yarn is a performant package manager for JavaScript and replaces the npm client. It is not strictly necessary but highly encouraged. To add the standard WireMock JAR as a project dependency, put the following in the dependencies section of your build file:

Installing using npm / yarn

npm install @ng-apimock/core --save-dev


yarn add @ng-apimock/core --dev


Once the plugin has been installed, you can require it with this line of JavaScript:

const apimock = require('@ng-apimock/core');


The next step is to tell @ng-apimock/core where it can find the mocks and / or presets. You can do that by calling the processor.

src: 'mocks', // required
patterns: { // optional
mocks: '**/*Mock.json', // optional: default is '**/*.mock.json'
presets: '**/*Preset.json', // optional: default is '**/*.preset.json'
watches: { // optional
mocks: '**/*.json', // optional: no default, set if watch files regex is different from mocks pattern
presets: '**/*.json' // optional: no default, set if watch files regex is different from presets pattern
watch: true // optional: default is 'false'

There are 4 parameters here:

  • src: this is the directory that will be used to search for mocks and presets.
  • patterns: there are 2 regex patterns that can be overridden, mocks and presets.
  • watches: set these if the patterns differ from the files to watch. Typically needed when using js instead of json.
  • watch: set to true will ensure that ng-apimock will watch for file changes.

As a side-effect, when a mock or preset change has been detected, the saved state will be reset.


The final step to take is to register @ng-apimock/core as middleware. It is compatible with both Connect and Express

const connect = require('connect');
const app = connect();



const express = require('express');
const app = express();


Middleware body limit

The default bodyParser library that is used has a body limit is 100kb. In order to increase the limit you can set the limit like this:

app.use(bodyParser.json({limit: '10mb'}));

Middleware configuration

You can configure apimock with a configuration object.

useHeader: true, // optional: indicator to use a header instead of a cookie to provide the identifier. (defaults to false)
identifier: 'my-identifier' // optional: name of the header or cookie that is used as the identifier. (defaults to 'apimockid')

The cookie or header is used to make sure that parallel executed tests do not interfere with each other. Each session is fully isolated.

Minimal setup example

This is a minimal setup example of how you can manually use @ng-apimock/core

const apimock = require('@ng-apimock/core');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.set('port', 9999);

src: 'mocks'


app.listen(app.get('port'), () => {
console.log('@ng-apimock/core running on port', app.get('port'));

To start up the script just type:

node serve.js


There are a few endpoints available when you startup @ng-apimock/core:

  • /info - responsible for providing information of the running instance
  • /health - responsible for providing status information
  • /health/readiness - readiness probe
  • /health/liveness - liveness probe