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Development interface

@ng-apimock/dev-interface is the development interface for @ng-apimock/core.

The development interface is a small web application that connects to the @ng-apimock/core middelware and exposes all its features in the ui.

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see Ng-apimock requirements

Installing using npm / yarn

npm install @ng-apimock/dev-interface --save-dev


yarn add @ng-apimock/dev-interface --dev


Once the plugin has been installed, you can require it with this line of JavaScript:

const devInterface = require('@ng-apimock/dev-interface');


The final step to take is to register @ng-apimock/core as middleware. It is compatible with both Connect and Express

const connect = require('connect');
const app = connect();

app.use('/dev-interface/', serveStatic(devInterface));


const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.use('/dev-interface', express.static(devInterface));

Minimal setup example

This is a minimal setup example of how you can manually use @ng-apimock/core

const apimock = require('@ng-apimock/core');
const devInterface = require('@ng-apimock/dev-interface');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.set('port', 9999);

src: 'mocks'

app.use('/dev-interface', express.static(devInterface));

app.listen(app.get('port'), () => {
console.log('@ng-apimock/core running on port', app.get('port'));
console.log('@ng-apimock/dev-interface is available under /dev-interface');

To start up the script just type:

node serve.js

The development interface can now be used by navigating to http://localhost:9000/dev-interface.